
Do you suffer from neck pain due to cervical disc problems?

At Dr. Ali Moghnieh's clinic, we provide comprehensive solutions for neck problems using advanced techniques, aiming for immediate pain relief and improved patient condition.


Do you suffer from neck pain due to cervical disc problems?

بعيادة الدكتور علي مغنية، نقدم حلاً شاملًا لمشاكل العنق باستخدام أحدث التقنيات والعلاجات المتقدمة. سواء كانت تلك المشاكل تشمل مشاكل الديسك العنقي، مفاصل الوجه، أو تقلص العضلات، نحن نهدف إلى تقديم تخفيف فوري وفعال للألم وتحسين حالة المريض.

We treat various problems in the neck

The face joints

Facial joints in the neck play a crucial role in movement and comfort. We offer tailored treatments to improve both.

Cervical disc

Cervical disc issues can lead to sharp neck pain and discomfort in surrounding nerves. We offer advanced treatments for effective pain control and restoring neck mobility.

The methods we use to relieve pain

Did you know?

Over 70% of individuals experience neck pain at some point in their lives.

Women are more susceptible to neck pain than men, especially with age.

Neck pain ranks third globally, after headaches and back pain.

Discover more with Dr. Ali Moghnieh

Calcification in the neck

Cervical discs

Pain treatment

Relieve your pain today!